What Resellers Really Look For When Partnering With ISVs
Ask executives at the world’s leading software companies the secrets to their company’s success and they’ll offer up the usual answers: value, simplicity, the right offerings, a tough interview process leading to the hiring of the right people … the list goes on and you’re most likely already familiar with it. Notice, however, these answers focus on what can be done internally — those things the company has control over. Read more…


Takeout Made Easier
With many restaurants being forced to switch to takeout or delivery only we know that tracking and delivery of the right orders to the right customers can be tricky.

The CT-601IIR is a standard three-inch receipt printer that can also handle self-adhesive labels. With liner-less media you can quickly convert the printer to process takeout orders faster and with improved accuracy. Read more…


The Diamond Model
Sales is far from a perfect science. This is obvious in the people who work in the industry, many of whom display the soft skills, creativity, and intangible intuition that define actors, composers, and visual artists. While it’s true that one cannot simply plug variables into a formula and close a sale every time, there are some qualities that define virtually all great sales teams, and some facts about the industry that no one can deny. Read more…


Five Things to Look for in a Payment Gateway Ebook
During the past few years, payment gateways have stepped out from behind the scenes to play a leading role in how companies provide customers with improved methods for online and digital payments. This emergence is certainly driven by the increase in consumer adoption of online payments. In fact, according to a report by Mordor Intelligence… Read more…


The Ins and Outs of Credit Card Payment Processing
Online and offline credit and debit card transactions have grown exponentially over the past two decades. Why? To put it simply, paying by credit or debit card is convenient for consumers. In addition, credit card issuers are encouraging more usage via a wealth of incentives such as points-based programs and cash-back rewards. Read more…


Order Kiosks Prove to be One Solution for Labor Shortage
Restaurateurs are struggling harder than ever to find and retain good employees. Proof that the labor pool is shallow: In April 2019, U.S. unemployment dipped to a remarkable 50-year low of 3.6 percent. Rising hourly wages — surpassing national and many state minimums by 100 percent in some cases — are slashing profits, and even some employees who do sign on often don’t stay long. Read more…


Why Quality Should Guide Your POS Purchase
Not all POS terminals are created equally—even when an initial look at the spec sheet makes them seem similar. The difference is what’s inside. How the terminal was designed and manufactured. The difference can have a profound effect on the experience you have with the device. Therefore, when considering the price of a POS device, it is also wise to consider total cost of ownership. Some companies design their POS systems to attain a price point. The best products are designed and manufactured—with the help of HALT and HASS testing—to faultlessly meet your needs through a life made long through a commitment to quality and durability. Read more…