Please provide a description of your company in 50 words or less.
Yazara provides tap on phone (softPOS) technology including banks, merchant acquirers, fintech, PSP, ISOs. ISVs and solution providers. Yazara’s mission is to develop and deliver best payment software without the need for physical POS and turns every mobile device a secure, convenient, frictionless way to receive payments.
Why did you join RSPA?
To network with industry players, learn from the members, stay up to date with industry news, communicate our solution to potential customers.
What are the core values of your company?
Stay competitive, constantly innovate, provide best customer service and stay as leading tap on phone solution provider.
What verticals do you serve?
Logistics/courier services, telecom sales, food & beverage (restaurants), grocery stores, bars, pubs, clubs, lodging, hotels, motels, resorts, membership clubs, golf clubs, events, drivers, limo services, taxis, insurance sales, barber and beauty salons, drug stores and pharmacies, SMB, home services, technicians, specialty retail stores, home furniture stores, computer/electronic stores, dentist, hardware stores, sporting goods stores, veterinary stores, bands, orchestras, entertainers, automotive parts.
What products/services do you provide?
Yazara provides best in class tap on phone (softpos) solution.
Name one fun fact that makes your company different from others.
We have more than 12 kernels launched in more than 20 countries with more than 60 customers on 60000+ devices and will be the first solution provider to complete MPOC certification.
What is the most encouraging thing you see for the future of the retail IT industry?
AI and self-check out.
Connect with us:
The best point of contact is Evren Kozcu.
Email: evren.kozcu@yazara.com
Phone: 514 244-9428