PayiQ, a Quisitive company

PayiQ, a Quisitive company, is an innovative payment processing platform whose solutions are designed to optimize payment processing for ISOs and ISVs while offering a new way for merchants to enhance consumer engagement. Our cloud-enabled architecture enables a range of new technologies that streamline traditional ISO/ISV back-office operations through automated underwriting, onboarding, agent residual payments, and chargeback management to lower costs while improving efficiency and support.

PayiQ Payment Processing designed for ISVs

PayiQ’s processing platform has been designed to allow you focus on selling. We offer flexible partner programs built around your needs with true scalability. We offer an innovative suite of automated tools for pro-actively managing:
• Automated merchant boarding
• New merchant activation with auto approvals
• Risk and merchant reserves
• Chargebacks
• Residual calculations and payments

Other Products and Services

Integrated Payments


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Tom Byrnes

VP Marketing


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