Please provide a description of your company in 50 words or less.
Blue Ridge Networks is a cybersecurity leader that’s pioneered proven network infrastructure, remote access, and endpoint cybersecurity solutions for 20 years. Our solutions are deployed on some of the largest, most sensitive government, financial, critical infrastructure, and healthcare networks, protecting thousands of users from targeted cyber-attacks and zero-day malware.
Why did you join RSPA?
Supporting the retail industry protect their POS platforms from any and all malware attack attempts.
What are the core values of your company?
Blue Ridge is not a detect and remediate software product. Blue Ridge provide solutions that PREVENT cyber-attacks from happening.
What verticals do you serve?
Sensitive government, financial, manufacturing, enterprise, retail and healthcare
What products/services do you provide?
POS/End-point, infrastructure and network cybersecurity.
Name one fun fact that makes your company different from others.
Blue Ridge has won Homeland Security’s “Best Malware Protection” Award 3 years in a row.
What is the most encouraging thing you see for the future of the retail IT industry?
Retail’s traditional anti-virus and detection-based methods fail because they attempt to monitor and parse almost infinite volumes of detect-indicator data which has required more personnel and resources year after year. This industry accepted approach leaves small and medium sized IT teams floundering. Even Target didn’t discover the breach of their customer’s information until 9 months after it occurred. Blueridge’s POS solution makes all of this archaic. Moving forward small to large retailers have a cost effective, PCI compliant solution that prevents attacks from ever happening.
Connect With Us
The best point of contact is Mark Hoffmann
Email: mhoffmann@blueridgenetworks.com
Phone: 704-709-2411
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