Enroll & Pay

Enroll & Pay is a card linked loyalty application integrated with the POS terminal at brick and mortar merchants.

A customer easily enrolls (linking their card & opting in) and pays with a single credit card swipe during their initial credit card payment with a merchant. All future card payments are seamlessly tracked and rewarded.

Simplicity of use for both the customer and the business differentiates Enroll & Pay from other loyalty platforms.

In addition, Enroll & Pay’s CRM tools can automatically send relevant offers to customers based on their SKU data to increase performance and referrals. Greater conversion combined with data driven messaging yields increased RFM.

Enroll & Pay

Enroll & Pay is a card linked loyalty application integrated with the POS terminal at brick and mortar merchants. A customer easily enrolls (linking their card & opting in) and pays with a single credit card swipe during their initial credit card payment with a merchant.

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Contact Info + Social


Dana Dahms

Director - Global Sales


(902) 456-7523

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