View all the RSPA W2W Community Spotlights via the RSPA YouTube Channel.

About the W2W Community

W2W Mission: To unite, lift and empower women in technology by providing educational opportunities and peer-to-peer collaboration in a supportive environment.

The RSPA W2W Community was created to provide a support network and resources for women as they enter and continue to advance in the retail technology industry. The committee advises on content development and presenter selection for the W2W event at RetailNOW and also provides content for the the RSPA Community IQ Resource Center and the RSPA’s Trusted Advisor podcast.

The RSPA W2W Community established the W2W Leader of the Year award to honor a trailblazing woman in the Retail Technology Industry who is dedicated to reshaping the industry and fostering a smarter, more inclusive future. This award celebrates a woman who exemplifies the pioneering spirit and is making a significant impact in the industry. The award is presented annually during RetailNOW.


If you are interested in joining this group of retail IT leaders, contact RSPA Member Services Team at